
Sunday, January 13, 3-5pm, Ohio Union [U.S. Bank Conference Theater], 1739 N. High St.

Quantum mechanics seems to be everywhere, from superhero movies to Fortune 500 companies. But what makes quantum mechanics so different and special? How can it be used (and can objects really pass through barriers)? Nadya Mason bridges the divide between popular imaginations of quantum and real quantum mechanical devices, covering the basics of quantum mechanics; how solid-state quantum devices are measured; and how quantum mechanics creates both limits and promises for computer processing.

Science Sundays is a free public lecture series offered and supported by The Ohio State University College of Arts and Sciences and its sponsoring science centers. Speakers are leading experts in their fields dedicated to making their work interesting and accessible for audiences of all ages and backgrounds. Science Sundays brings leading-edge work directly to the public with lectures covering diverse topics in science, arts and technology that touch our everyday lives.

Each lecture is 3-4pm at the Ohio Union U.S. Bank Conference Theatre, followed by a free informal reception, 4-5pm, in the Ohio Staters Traditions Room in the Ohio Union.


Sunday, January 13, 2019 - 3:00pm


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