
28 October 2014

Columbus Residents are working to ensure safe drinking water, clean air, and safe soil in the City of Columbus.
There are 13 injection wells in the Columbus Area water supply, where radioactive and toxic liquid waste...

28 October 2014
Columbus Residents are working to ensure safe drinking water, clean air, and safe soil in the City of Columbus.

There are 13 injection wells in the Columbus Area water supply, where radioactive and toxic liquid waste from unconventional...

28 October 2014
Columbus Residents are working to ensure safe drinking water, clean air, and safe soil in the City of Columbus.

 There are 13 injection wells in the Columbus Area water supply, where radioactive and toxic liquid waste from...

27 October 2014

The monthly organizational meeting of the local affiliate of the national Move to Amend organization that is calling for a U.S. constitutional amendment to reverse several U.S. Supreme Court decisions during the past century and thereby...

27 October 2014

For individuals who want more power by learning new skills and strategies to affect change to benefit and protect their families, communities and environment. It’s for people who feel that public officials, regulatory agencies, super...

27 October 2014

Free parking is available in the “R” spaces — “R” for “Rardin Clinic” — behind the building.

Contact: Simone Morgen,; or


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