Sunday, February 2, 1:30-3:30pm, Columbus Metropolitan Library [Barnett Branch] 3434 E. Livingston Ave.
Learn all about voter registration (or get a refresher) then head outside to practice!
Please indicate “...
Sunday, February 2, 1:30-3:30pm, Columbus Metropolitan Library [Barnett Branch] 3434 E. Livingston Ave.
Learn all about voter registration (or get a refresher) then head outside to practice!
Please indicate “...
Thursday, January 30, 6:30-8pm, Northwood-High Building, 2231 N. High St., Rm. 100
Please join Sierra Club Central Ohio Group for a conversation about “2020 and Beyond.” We will have refreshments, raffle items, and speakers to...
Sunday, January 26, 1:30-4:30pm, Norwich Township Safety Services Building, 5181 Northwest Pkwy., Hilliard, Ohio
Join us to meet the 2020 candidates for Ohio’s Congressional District 15 seat! We will invite all certified...
Saturday, January 25, 10am-4pm, First Unitarian Universalist Church, 93 W. Weisheimer Rd.
Please join us for the Ohio Poor People’s Campaign 2020 Planning Convening on January 25 in Columbus.
The Ohio and National Poor...
Friday, January 24, 2-5:30pm, Ohio Union [U.S. Bank Conference Theater], 1739 N. High St.
Is the American dream still alive? Who is and is not included in its promise? What does it require of us today? What is the relationship...
Tuesday, January 21, 6-9pm, Ohio Union [U.S. Bank Conference Theater], 1739 N. High St.
Come and hear from experts on the Green New Deal and how it can work in Columbus and the United States.
A question-and-answer...