Simply Living continues many of our programs (socials, films, Earth Institute courses) but in recent years we have created new initiatives like our Transition Hub, our Local Economy Coalition, and our emerging “Simply Living University” that plans to centralize the many workshops and training opportunities related to sustainability. We’re calling it “Sustainable U.” So this “Meet Simply Living” gathering is for anyone interested in learning about our work, and we think it will be fun, too, for current and former members, to get acquainted with how we are changing through our new projects. Light refreshments will be served. Free.

Our office is in the Maynard Ave. United Methodist Church. Enter via the Maynard Ave. door and park free in the church parking lot.

RSVP to Chuck Lynd <> or call (614) 354-6172.


Sunday, August 10, 2014 - 5:00pm


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