Last week Senator Rob Portman voted for Trade Promotion Authority which will make it easier to pass job killing trade deals like the Trans Pacific Partnership. Join us this Thursday from 12:15 to 1pm at his office in downtown Columbus, 37 West Broad St., to hold him accountable and let him know that the people of Ohio won't stand for any more corporate trade deals that outsource good jobs! Contact Thomas Lee,
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a massive trade deal that's being negotiated in secret among 12 countries.TPP would be the largest trade deal in history. Including countries like Vietnam and Brunei, it would cover 792 million people and account for 40 percent of the world economy.
If the TPP goes into effect:
• More U.S. Jobs will be sent offshore
• Foreign Corporations get veto power over U.S. laws
• Buy American laws would be illegal
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