Woman in front of signs talking into a microphone

Madison Eagle kicks off the rally.

   In keeping with a long tradition of protesting the celebration of Columbus Day, dozens of people gathered today, October 12, 2015 by the statue of Christopher Columbus at Columbus City Hall. Signs read "Columbus was a mass murderer," "Tear down this statue," "Stop Celebrating Genocide," "Abolish Columbus Day," and more. Speakers talked about how Columbus' visit to the U.S. brought oppression and death to the indigenous people and fomented racsism and homophobia. The crowd included a diverse group of people including Native American activists. A march to the OSU campus followed the rally. At the lead was a banner proclaiming today as "Indigenous People's Day." Not long ago, after many years of protest by Native Americans and supporters, the Santa Maria ship was removed from the river by City Hall, and City Council once declared the week in October that included Columbus Day "Indigenous People's Week." There was no response from City Council today except for police presence during the rally at City Hall.