Sunday, October 1, 7pm, King Ave. United Methodist Church, 299 King Ave.
Talking about race, faith, and sexuality isn’t always easy but it’s needed now more than ever. King Ave. United Methodist Church is proud to welcome social justice activist and LGBT worship leader Darren Calhoun to Columbus on Sunday, October 1 at 7pm to share his personal journey to bridge the divide that exists between racial and sexual inclusivity.
Darren’s program, “The Intersection of Racial and LGBTQ Identity,” provides a welcoming and engaging voice in this difficult conversation space. Darren’s program will provide insights and practical ways that the church can become a place where all feel welcomed and loved.
This program is a part of King Avenue’s “Changing the Conversation” Speaker Series, which features Christian thought leaders striving for inclusion of traditionally-marginalized people and communities.
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