Tuesday, Jan 16, 7-9pm
Columbus Mennonite Church, 35 Oakland Park Ave.
Over the past few months we have witnessed two things: 1) the cruelty of the Trump administration’s efforts to deport immigrant families and 2) how those immigrant families are leading our movement by resisting Trump’s deportation agenda.
While many localities, like Columbus, Ohio, have made proclamations that no local resources will be used to enforce federal immigration law, the reality is that ICE continues to terrorize and separate families like Edith Espinal’s.
On October 10, 2017, Edith, a mother of three, was ordered to leave the country. She courageously made the decision to fight her deportation by entering sanctuary. Edith’s case is one of a handful of other cases where immigrant families have taken up sanctuary across the country.
We invite you to join us to hear from Edith and others living in Sanctuary who are leading the sanctuary movement.
The conversation will include:
- Testimony from families in sanctuary about what it means to enter sanctuary and how does it impact the families and their communities.
- Sanctuary as a form of resistance.
- What does it mean to be a sanctuary people, sanctuary community and a sanctuary movement?
- How sanctuary can influence the national conversation around immigration -- including the fight for DACA and the DREAM Act -- and offer hope in the Trump era.
- How communities outside the faith community can actively participate