Monday, February 6, 7-8:30pm., Northside Branch Library, 1423 N. High St.
The Columbus Area Region of SPAN [Single Payer Action Network] Ohio will meet on Monday, February 6, 7-8:30pm, at the Northside Branch Library, 1423 N. High St., in Meeting Room 3. This library is several blocks south of the OSU campus and just north of King Ave; there is free parking. This library is on the High St. [#2] COTA bus line and on the Kenny Rd. [#1] bus line. All are invited; bring a friend.
Steve Hollon, President and CEO of Ohio United Way, will speak at 7pm about a statewide study, A-L-I-C-E, an acronym that stands for [people] who are “Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed” [in other words, “the working poor.”] He will be accompanied by Nick Roman, who had helped conduct the study. Steve will focus attention on healthcare access for people in the ALICE study.
At 7:45pm, we will have a business meeting. The following topics will be under discussion.
• The status of the Health Care for All Ohioans Act, S.B. 91 and H.B. 440.
• Fundraisers
All are invited! Invite your friends and “Medicare for All” advocates.
Contact: Bob Krasen, 614-261-0754 or
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