So, Jeff Epstein “committed suicide” while on suicide watch in prison. This was widely predicted, since Epstein, in part to gratify himself, was running one of the world’s most notorious “honey traps.” if you were rich or powerful and liked underage girls, Epstein was your guy. Now that Epstein’s gone, the likes of Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Prince Andrew and other former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson can breathe easier.
If the public is lucky, a slew of civil suits will come forward and provide more revelations. But we can expect the majority of these to settle quietly with non-disclosure statements, thus allowing pedophiles of the world to continue to unite in their quest for illegal sex.
Epstein was also the intelligence community’s guy. As journalist Vicky Ward pointed out in “Jeffrey Epstein’s Sick Story Played Out For Years in Plain Sight,” Alexander Acosta, the former U.S. attorney who went light on Epstein in a 2017 deal, became the Secretary of Labor under Trump. Reportedly he told the people vetting him in the Trump administration: “I was told Epstein belonged to intelligence and to leave it alone.”
I investigated local billionaire Les Wexner and Jeff Epstein’s ties to the intelligence community more than 20 years ago. Much of this is captured in two books – The Fitrakis Files: Spooks, Nukes, and Nazis and The Fitrakis Files: Cops, Coverups, and Corruption (CICJ Books,
As the logistics man to Les Wexner, owner of the Limited Brands (now L Brands including Victoria’s Secret), Epstein arranged the arrival of Southern Air Transport to Columbus, Ohio. The airline, formerly Air America, was infamous as an illegal gun- and drug-running operation. Epstein also helped his mentor, Les Wexner, sell the war in Iraq through the Wexner Foundation. Moreover, a memo from Epstein’s sentencing in Miami back in 2007, points out that he was cooperating and providing information to the FBI.
The western intelligence community – be it the CIA, MI6 or the Mossad – is known for running these types of sexual blackmail projects. In 1990, the Catholic Covenant House got busted in New York and Central America for providing diplomats with underage runaway males who were supposed to be being rehabilitated.
A report written by U.S. Senators John Kerry and Hank Brown called “The BCCI Affair” documented how the CIA allowed the BCCI terrorist-funding bank to function in the opium and arms market by setting up one of its alleged financial frontmen with prepubescent girls.
Another example can be found in the so-called “Fraser Report” that details how cult leader Reverend Sun Myung Moon had his followers lobbying Congress with sex. This was a joint operation of the CIA and the Korean CIA.
Sexual blackmail is an old, tried and true technique. Usually it succeeds because the elite decision makers are protected. To end the exploitation, everything must be exposed whether you are a crowned prince or a president. The civil suit charging that current President Donald Trump raped a 13-year-old girl at Epstein’s mansion in New York could still be brought forward. Hopefully the criminal investigation on this in Manhattan will go forth despite Epstein’s unfortunate but unsurprisingly “suicide.”