
Thursday, July 23, 7-8pm, this event will be occurring via Zoom

The threat from the dangers of fracking continues to build, quite literally, in Central Ohio as the fracking industry plans to construct a power plant on OSU’s main campus. State approval of the proposal would permit the piping in of fracking’s main product, natural gas, and its processing on the grounds of our beloved state university.

Move to Amend Central Ohio’s “Speaking of Democracy” series, a new program that exposes and then dives into local issues that affect Central Ohioans, on July 23, will discuss the proposed plant, why it is an alarming development, and what we can do about it.

The presenter for this program will be Becca Pollard, a leading expert on the topic and the Ohio Associate Organizing Representative for the Sierra Club’s “Beyond Coal” campaign.

Join the Zoom meeting by clicking this link.

Contact: Sandy Bolzenius, or 614-843-6170

Sponsored by Move to Amend Central Ohio.


Thursday, July 23, 2020 - 7:00pm

Event Type: