
Bomb in Israel

As the news of violence and loss of Palestinian and Israeli life unfolds, we must be clear: this is the direct result of decades of Israeli occupation, blockade, and apartheid over millions of Palestinians. Since this latest escalation of violence began, Israeli government officials, including Prime Minister Netanyahu, have openly declared their intent to wreak devastation on Gaza. In spite of this, the Biden administration has already begun sending more military support to the Israeli government, and it is expected to include munitions for fighter jets and other weapons. 

Sending weapons and military support to the Israeli government when its leaders are publicly stating their violent intentions is knowingly facilitating collective punishment and war crimes. 

The U.S. already sends $3.8 billion in unconditional military funding to the Israeli military every single year, and this support for Israel's systematic oppression of Palestinians helped pave the path for the violence of this moment.   

Act immediately to tell Congress: the U.S. should focus on a political solution and de-escalation, not fuel violence by sending the Israeli military more weapons. U.S. complicity in Israel's occupation, blockade, and apartheid must end.  

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