Ceasefire written on the ground

Deadly strikes across the Middle East have set an already volatile situation on edge, Friend.

One thing could stand between this distressing uptick in violence and a new war in the Middle East: The Biden administration.

There are no military solutions to this crisis, only diplomatic ones. The U.S. government will need to use every ounce of its influence to pull the parties away from the catastrophic path they’re on. Today, we need the president to know we support these efforts to de-escalate, but we need him to go further.

Right now, our job is nothing short of saving lives. Sign now to urge President Biden: De-escalate this crisis immediately with a ceasefire that stops the bombing of Gaza, brings the remaining hostages home to their families, and creates the political space necessary to build a pathway to peace for people in Israel, Palestine, and beyond.

Win Without War is mobilizing thousands of people to join together to send the Biden administration an urgent call to de-escalate — before it’s too late. Will you add your name?

Today, too many people in those places and beyond are waking up terrified of what tomorrow will bring. Many of you reading this have loved ones in Palestine, Israel, Iran, Lebanon, and Syria, including U.S. troops stationed across the region. A full-blown regional war would be catastrophic and put millions of lives at risk.

As hard as it is to keep engaging with the horror of this conflict, when people turn away, the cycle of violence can continue. That’s why we’re reaching out. When folks like you speak up, we remind the world — and decision-makers in DC — that it's time to reject a false choice between more bombs and nothing.

Millions of lives are on the line, and we won’t stop until the U.S. government uses ALL its influence to secure a ceasefire that can end violence in Gaza and shift the focus away from war to diplomacy.

Will you add your name to our petition urging the Biden administration to do everything they can to secure a ceasefire in Gaza and de-escalate this crisis immediately?

Moments like this are so hard. While our team, together with movement partners and activists like you, pushes behind the scenes and publicly for an end to this crisis, we can’t guarantee we’ll get what we need, as fast as we want.

But one thing remains clear, and it’s why we continue to speak out and take action every day: The horrific violence and suffering we’ve seen will only get worse if people like us do nothing.

If you’re reading this, you know the best time to avoid more unnecessary suffering and loss of life is today. With violence deepening across the Israel-Lebanon border, the time to speak out is now.

Thank you for working for peace,
The Win Without War team