
J. J. (or just Jen) Ulm lives in the Fifth By Northwest neighborhood of Columbus with three ferrets and her long-suffering best friend-slash-roommate. She grew up first in rural Alabama, then in the Washington D.C. suburbs, but as a Columbus resident since 2002 she considers Ohio her true home. She worked at Half Price Books and then Nationwide before recently deciding to get serious about writing, and she writes fiction in addition to her articles for the Free Press. Her obsessions include Transformers, writing implements, and long-out-of-print sci-fi and fantasy authors.

Articles by Author

12 September 2013
Geek website The Outhousers has a box on their homepage that looks like one of those “This workplace has gone XX days without an accident” signs you might see...
02 September 2013

Big comic book events, both on the page and the big screen, have traditionally been a Summer thing, but with an impressive list of upcoming films, comic...
