Eye is Adam Smith from Dead Sea, Matt Bailey of Teeth of the Hydra, ex-Pretty Weapons members Brandon Smith and Matt Auxier. From this roster one could probably ascertain Eye is probably a well-executed, heavy and deep journey into the intersection of psych, space, stoner, progg, metal and the avant-garde with Pink Floyd and Black Sabbath as touchstones. Like any good space-rock band, Eye draws influence from science fiction, fantasy, altered consciousness, nature and life in general. I queried Eye’s vocalist, Moogist, Mellotronist and guitarist Auxier on what science fiction style-problem is looming in reality. His response: “Space migration. Are we ever going to be able ever to venture somewhere else to start a colony? Because we are ruining our planet! We have to figure something out in the next 50-100 years.” He views saving the earth as better described as saving ourselves. “The earth will destroy us all if we don’t figure something out. It’s probably too late. The Earth may still be here, it may just wipe us out on the way. Just like the dinosaurs.” I don’t know how to get to another world physically but the best route to outer space mentally from inside of 270 is to listen to Eye’s new albums, “Second Sight” and “Live At Relay.“ as well as their first album “Center of the Sun.” The band’s aura, in part, can be found in Eye’s organist, Mellotronist and 12 string guitarist Smith’s or experiences in his 20s and Early 30s with astral-projection. Adam Smith explained to me at length. “I have definitely had some interesting experiences of time travel, back in time. I once traveled to what I feel is my finished self. Dead. Where I am going to be where I’m dead. It’s some really heavy shit. But it’s the truth.” Smith’s experiences with astral-projection were hallucinogen-free. When one listens to “Second Sight” one will find it trance inducing. You don’t necessarily need to visit your dead self to find a creative spirit. I asked Smith where he taps into the universe locally when writing. “My backyard. I set my keyboards up in my back yard. In Columbus, Alum Creek is a great place to vibe out and write music.” Smith's first show with Eye was the same day his wife informed him that he was going to be a father. (For history’s sake, Auxier, and Brandon Smith started the band and Bailey, and Adam Smith later joined the band. The song “Waiting on the Tide,” off “Second Sight” conveys exploration of the cycle of nature that is mating and procreation. Adam says, “I was actually thinking of Brandon and Tricia. They were getting married. My wife and I, our daughter was a year old when their daughter was born. That arrangement and music; I was in traffic and that lyric just came to me. I was thinking of them…That's what in that tune. Hanging out with the ladies and watching little ones emerge. That's some science fiction. That's some heavy fucking shit. I waited a long time to get into that trip. I am glad I did but it's a trip. It's a trip." Eye’s future trips include releasing another album at the beginning of 2014, and heading back into the study to record a double LP. Adam says the band will keep putting music out for the people who enjoy it. Quoting Motorhead’s front man (Ian "Lemmy" Kilmister), “like old Lemmy says, “run it up the flag pole and see who salutes it.” Eye will be playing with Mount Carmel at Kobo Saturday November 23rd., and with Brujas Del Sol at Rhumba Café Wednesday November 27th.

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