The day has finally come: Chelsea Manning has been released! From May 2010 through today Chelsea has been in prison for exposing the costs and inhumanity of war. She risked everything to do what she felt was right.What can we commit to today to end war? Share your inspiration and commitment with Chelsea. We will make sure she receives it. At these moments of victory, it is important to let the inspiration refuel our own commitments.
We spent years advocating for Chelsea, together with tens of thousands of others around the world. Thanks to a massive outcry, President Obama did the right thing.
Send Chelsea a welcome home tweet, share the image below on your Facebook page, or write a note of inspiration to Chelsea. Tell her how glad you are that she is home.
Sometimes, our solidarity work pays off. A big thanks to all of you who did something for Chelsea—protested, sent letters, made calls, sent money. In this hard times, take a moment to rejoice.
In celebration,
Ariel, Jodie, and the entire CODEPINK team