Today, Starbucks workers across the country went on a one day strike. The union Starbucks Workers United are demanding an end to the company’s union-busting campaign.
Starbucks has launched a brutal campaign against unionization efforts in their stores. Raises were withheld from union organizers, union organizers were fired, and Starbucks locations where unions were established were illegally shut down.
But in recent months, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has ruled in favor of workers. A judge from the NLRB recently ruled that Starbucks has to re-hire fired baristas and re-open closed locations, finding the company guilty of violating labor laws “hundreds of times.” But Starbucks has nonetheless continued their union-busting campaign.
Two locations in Columbus—1784 N High at OSU and 88 E Broad downtown—joined the strike. Picketers talked to customers, convincing many not to cross the picket line, most canceled their mobile orders and went elsewhere to support the strike. Managers from across the state drove in to attempt to keep OSU’s location open, but ultimately failed. The two locations ended up closing down for the day. Although both locations successfully unionized their stores, neither has gotten a contract as the company refuses to bargain in good faith.