Joe Motil

Former Columbus City Council candidate and long-time community advocate Joe Motil’s Declaration of Candidacy petitions for Mayor of Columbus  were certified this afternoon by the Franklin County Board of Elections. Mr. Motil and current Mayor Andrew Ginther will face off in the November 7,2023 General Election.   

As a community leader and advocate for fairness, opportunity, equality, and justice, Mr. Motil has been involved with city government for 37 years in numerous capacities. His advocacy and commitment is well known and respected throughout Columbus’ neighborhoods. He is recognized especially for his fights against the city’s tax abatement policies, proposing solutions for truly affordable housing, advocating for the unsheltered, exposing corruption and the unethical conduct of city officials, police reform, and advancing the rights for all Columbus citizens voices to be heard.       

Motil concludes, “Today is my 67th birthday and having my name officially on the November ballot puts an extra smile on my face and that of thousands of other Columbus voters who have been calling for real change and a mayor of and for the people. I am looking forward to presenting my solutions on quality-of-life issues that face Columbus residents on a daily basis and listening to their concerns.”