Candidates have their campaigns energized by Trump, but it may be for good or bad. Some candidates would like to accept his endorsement softly, but that is not possible. Trump’s endorsements may harm their chance of election because:
· He and the Republican leaders still want to rescind or weaken the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA, Obamacare). They have no viable replacement. ACA is becoming more popular as more people benefit from it.
· He wants to reduce the benefits from Social Security and Medicare, which is financed solely by FICA Withholding Tax on the workers first $118,500 of earned income.
· He is a racist and bigot, being against people of color, Hispanics, Muslim, LGBTs; and now apparently Jews, evidence, his inappropriate response following the mega bombing and the mass murders in Pittsburgh.
· He is a consummate liar.
· He is desperate this last week before the election. To crowd the real issues out of the news, he is making impossible proposals and promises to the dwindling number of his supporters.
· He may in a fit of anger, cause an atomic strike, which could cause a cascade of events resulting in our planet to becoming a nuclear cinder.
If Trump endorses a candidate, a majority of voters will be against him or her.
Albert A. Gabel
Professor Emeritus
Ohio State University