A Neo-Nazi group called the Creativity Movement has made clandestine plans for a rally at the Ohio Statehouse on June 2 2014. The group is planning on drawing its supporters from around the midwest and bring allies to the event which is slated to begin at 9 am. According to posts on neo-nazi websites, the group will be offering rideshares after a secret meet up outside of Columbus.
The Creativity Movement is a surviving offshoot of the World Church of the Creator, whoose leader, Matt Hale is currently incarcerated for plotting the murder of a federal judge. During the 1990s the group held dozens of events around country and its supporters were known for violence.
Church Member Ben Smith went on a three day shooting rampage in 1999 across multiple states before killing himself in a standoff with police. The group later lost a trademark lawsuit and was forced to change its name to the Creativity Movement.
Violent neo-nazis are still hateful and dangerous. It is speculated that this rally, called from Illinois but planned for Columbus, is the kick off of a campaign to revitalize both the Creativity Movement and the Neo-Nazi movement as a whole.
The local chapter of Anti-Racist Action is planning a counter-protest beginning at 8 am at the same place to show direct opposition. According to the anti-racist group's unnamed spokesperson “These fascists think we can't get out of bed on a Monday morning to stop them. Wrong.”
At the time of this writing, officials at the Ohio statehouse have neither confirmed nor denied that the Creativity Movement had applied for a permit or sought police protection for their event. COTA has not issued any travel advisories or altered bus routes.
The Free Press will report on this event as it happens.