
A drawing of two arms up in the air with fists where there are handcuffs being broken in two, a yellow burst of color where the handcuffs broke, and the words in red below, Human Trafficking Awareness

Thursday, January 11, 8:30am-4pm, Ohio Statehouse

State Representative Teresa Fedor has worked tirelessly to overcome what she considers to be the human rights issue of our time — Human Trafficking. This year, she is joined by State Representative Tavia Galonski as co-host of the Human Trafficking Awareness Day and partner in fighting human trafficking.

The partnerships that have developed during this period have been invaluable moving this effort forward. As a way to highlight those partnerships and to continue to advance this issue, she will host the Ninth Annual Ohio Human Trafficking Awareness Day at the Ohio Statehouse on Thursday, January 11. The focus this year will be on the survivors! We will be running panels, both morning and afternoon, which will focus on three specific goals:

• End all forms of Human Trafficking

• Increase Housing and Services for Survivors

• Job Training and Employment for Survivors

In order to do this, we have six panels that will run concurrently, both morning and afternoon, along with a luncheon speaker, and, at the end of the day, a survivors’ panel.

Participation is free but tickets are required. For tickets, please register at Eventbrite to keep up-to-date with our speakers and other program information: