A rebirth of nuclear power is threatened in the United States. It stems from a combination of factors, including the U.S. government's refusal to seriously address actually clean energy, the political and propaganda power of the nuclear weapons and nuclear energy industries, the poor quality of U.S. education, the sad state of corporate media, and the rise of a tech-firm oligarchy.
Click here to tell your state legislators and governor to make Ohio a nuclear free zone.
In the absence of actual intelligence, Amazon, Microsoft, and Google are making grand plans to use nuclear energy to power their Artificial Intelligence installations. Even the site of the most famous (even if never properly understood) U.S. nuclear disaster, Three Mile Island, is making plans for courting new disasters, despite strong local opposition.
Why is nuclear power a bad idea? The top six reasons might be these:1. There is no solution whatsoever to the indisputable problem of nuclear waste disposal.
2. There is no solution to the risk of more Three Mile Island- , Chernobyl- , Fukushima-like disasters -- or, if there is, it has not persuaded any private insurance companies to take the risk of insuring nuclear power plants. The people of the United States will foot the bill (not to mention the cancer deaths) from the next catastrophe -- whether accidental or caused by an attack (nuclear plants being prime targets for terrorism/war).
3. Nuclear energy is not "green," but slow, dangerous, expensive, and inefficient.
4. Solar, wind, and tide energy solutions have been progressing even faster in reality than has nuclear energy in propaganda. While the solution of lower energy use has always been staring us in the face, the solution of energy that is cleaner, safer, faster, and cheaper is now well established.
5. Drone warfare has predictably spread far and wide, turning every nuclear power plant into a self-imposed nuclear weapon.
6. The nuclear energy and weapons industries rise or fall together. The energy technology is used as a stepping stone to the weapons. The energy waste is used as material for Depleted Uranium weapons. Nuclear energy powers the submarines that carry the weapons. And military contractors are working to give the world the marvelous gift of portable nuclear reactors that can be brought into war zones -- in an apparent effort to win a prize for the worst idea ever.
But dozens of U.S. cities and counties are nuclear-free zones. No nuclear weapons or energy allowed. There is no reason that U.S. states cannot take the same step.Click here to tell your state legislators and governors, that now is a time for independence and wisdom: Tell them to make OH a nuclear-free zone.