
Details about event

JULY 1 - JULY 31, 2023

Get ready, registration for Plastic Free Ecochallenge is now open! Join our month-long event, committed to reducing plastic consumption and promoting sustainability. Make a difference, learn, and become part of the solution to plastic pollution. It’s not just an a one-time event—it's your step towards a brighter, greener future.


Plastic has become so ubiquitous in our daily lives that we often don't even notice it. Designed to last forever but often used for less than 15 minutes, plastics are an environmental tragedy from production to disposal and beyond.

Through Plastic Free Ecochallenge, you'll curate your own challenge to refuse and reduce single-use plastics for one month - with practical and sustainable actions spanning all experience levels. No matter where you are on your sustainability journey, there are actions for you in this Ecochallenge.

Throughout the month, you'll choose your own path to plastic-less living, track your actions, find inspiration in camaraderie, and watch our collective impact add up. The extensive library of action resources and the collective participant feed mean you'll never be alone in your challenge, and you'll never be left asking, "what now?"

Plastic Free Ecochallenge is created and developed in partnership with Columbus Zoo and Aquarium and, and supported by a robust network of zoos and aquariums across North America. Together, we are building a sustainable, plastic-free world.

Push yourself outside of your comfort zone, try new things, and watch our collective impact grow.