The Duke of Fork, Chef Mark Zedella and The Duchess, Loretta Yoga Tune Up®are probably one of the most exciting and dynamic food & yoga innovations to add to Columbus’ Intelligent City ( status ratings typically characterized by technology innovations. The connection is that they are capable of empowering Columbus’ residents with one of the most critical health promoting, social justice serving and environmental sustainability yet largely untapped initiatives with the simple utensil; the fork. They work their health promoting culinary and physical fitness combo wonders at community gems such as Worthington Libraries and the Franklin Park Conservatory. They cover nutritionally robust, exciting and delicious topics such as Superfoods, Oil–free cooking, Healthy Holidays and more with their Move Well, Eat Well, Be Well program. Check out their website for more details on how to connect with them. Their next event is Sept 16 at Franklin Park Conservatory.
We don’t hear enough coverage on the crisis we are facing as our population continues to increase and our modernization practices lag woefully entrenched in a disconnected industrialized mindset that has foundationally created the violation of animals everywhere and given rise to the insanity that is harming everyone and the ecology. No Ecology = No Economy. Humanity’s future can be salvaged and can connect people to the resources needed to thrive and drive a resilient plant-strong economy.
The Duke of Fork:
Photo courtesy of The Duke of Fork