A tray on a wooden table outside with a white cup and blue straw, a bunch of french fries and a burger with visible lettuce and cheese

Original Eden Burger with fries and vanilla milkshake. 

Eden Burger’s mission is to “save the f’n world” (go guys go!). They share a building with the south OSU campus area local bar, Village Idiot. Eden Burger officially launched their new high-quality, fast food, artisan vegan burger, fries and banana-based shake business with an exciting array of burger options.

There are two types of burgers: 1-black bean and rice based, and 2- organic and breaded fried tempeh, with eight different burger styles from Western BBQ to Hawaiian. The burgers can be fried or grilled and all are made from predominantly organic ingredients. They have the quintessential burger accessory ensemble such as pickle chips, onion rings and fried tenders with buffalo sauce and a litany of premium toppings (like fresh avocado) and sauces. Gluten-free options are also available.

This month we have a World Wide Vegan Chalk Bomb on September 30 and October 1. These events are held in support of the Vegan Chalk Challenge, where vegans are encouraged to create positive vegan messaging with chalk in high visibility high foot traffic locations across the city. Participants are also encouraged to immortalize their work by taking photos and sharing them across social media. 

Check out the Columbus Vegan Meetup group for more details on getting connected to the Columbus vegan community.

Eden Burger
Location: 1437 North High St. Columbus
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/EdenBurgerNFries/about/?ref=page_internal Open: Everyday 5pm-10pm 

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