
Foreground has a dark skinned man holding as assault rifle in the background two military men with rifles walking toward a building

From the Presbyterian Office of Public Witness:  Stand Up for Palestinian Children's Human Rights - Ask Your Rep. to Support HR 4931.  On November 14, 2017, Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) introduced a bill to prevent U.S. tax dollars from paying for human rights violations against Palestinian children in Israeli military detention.  The Promoting Human Rights by Ending Israeli Military Detention of Palestinian Children Act (H.R. 4391) requires the Secretary of State to certify annually that no funds obligated or expended in the previous year by the United States for assistance to Israel have been used to support prohibited practices under international law. If the Secretary cannot make this certification, a detailed report is required outlining the amount of money spent in violation of the bill and how it was spent.  Click here to contact your Representative today!