
Blonde woman in pink with Code Pink crown holding a sign that says End racism Stop Sessions

Wednesday, August 2, 11:30am-1:30pm
Columbus Citizen Police Academy, 1000 N Hague Ave, Columbus, Ohio 43204
*****Emergency Call to Action*****
Jeff Sessions is a fascist, racist man who has no place in the White House. Sessions has white supremacist ties, a racist and homophobic legislative record, and a history of opposing voting rights, however, is the top law enforcement officer in the country.
When Sessions was up for a federal judgeship in 1986, Coretta Scott King — the late widow of Martin Luther King, Jr. — begged the Senate Judiciary Committee to vote against his appointment. Senators on both sides of the aisle ultimately considered him too racist for the job, based on his disparaging comments about African Americans. He reportedly said the NAACP and ACLU were “Communist-inspired” and “un-American,” calledone of his black staff members “boy,” and joked that the worst thing about the KKK was its marijuana-smoking members.
In 2007, he argued that immigrants “create culture problems,” steal jobs from Americans, and that their “numbers cannot be too great.”
This is the kind of man we should be putting on Jail, not in charge of law enforcement. 
We need to stand strong against hate. We need to show Sessions we do not support him, we do not agree with him, and he is NOT welcome in Ohio. Stand up to Sessions and his racist, homophobic, bigoted views! Bring you signs, your friends, and your passion. Let's make ourselves heard. 
Press release: "Attorney General Jeff Sessions will visit Columbus on Wednesday to speak about opioid addiction.
Sessions is expected to address law enforcement officers and families affected by the opioid crisis at the Columbus Police Academy.
The White House commission on opioid addiction called on Trump on Monday to declare the opioid epidemic a federal state of emergency."