
Details about event

Right now, some of America's biggest corporations are playing a dangerous double game. They're plastering their websites with commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) while secretly funding the very people working to destroy these values. Let's break it down:

  • Mastercard claims DEI is "part of our core values and underpins everything we do." Yet they're funding a platform for anti-DEI rhetoric.

  • Coca-Cola declares that "diversity, equity, and inclusion are at the heart of our values." Apparently, that includes supporting those who fight against these very principles.

  • Meta (formerly Facebook) says diversity is a "must-have." But they're happy to sponsor events featuring those who actively work against such goals.

  • DoorDash asserts that "DEI is a tenet of our company because it is the right thing to do." Unless it seems, there's a chance to align with anti-DEI forces when they think no one's looking.

See, Mastercard, Coca-Cola, Meta, and DoorDash are sponsoring the right-wing focused Canada Strong and Free Regional Networking Conference (CSFN) 2024 at the end of next month featuring Christopher Rufo, the far-right extremist who has made it his mission to dismantle DEI initiatives across America.

That’s right: Christopher Rufo -- the man who boasted about making Critical Race Theory "the perfect villain," who spearheaded the ousting of Harvard's first Black president, and whose strategies have become a playbook for extremist groups like Moms for Liberty in their crusade against inclusive education.

Mastercard, Coca-Cola, Meta, and DoorDash’s CEOs need to hear from us: You can support DEI or you can support those working to dismantle it. You can't do both. Drop sponsorship of the CSFN 2024 "Anti-WOKE" conference now.

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The event is billed as an “enriching exploration of conservatism” and the organization is promoting the event using a photo of Rufo with the text, “Fighting the left and wokism.”

The corporate support for this conference is not just hypocrisy. It's a betrayal of every employee, customer, and community member who believed these companies when they said they stood for diversity and inclusion.

We cannot let these corporations play both sides. They can't claim to champion DEI while funding its most prominent opponents. It's time to make them choose.

Tell Meta, Coke, DoorDash, and Mastercard: Drop Sponsorship of the CSFN2024 "Anti-WOKE" conference now by signing and sending your message to each CEO now.

These corporations still have time to do the right thing.

Thank you for sending your message calling on them to keep their diversity, equity, and inclusion promises today.

- LeeAnn

LeeAnn Hall
Director, National Campaign for Justice