
Film poster

Sunday, October 9, 2022, 4:00 PM
When a news publisher in Arkansas, an attorney in Arizona, and a speech therapist in Texas are told they must choose between their jobs and their political beliefs, they launch legal battles that expose an attack on freedom of speech across 33 states in America.  

BOYCOTT traces the impact of state legislation designed to penalize individuals and companies that choose to boycott Israel due to its human rights record. A legal thriller with “accidental plaintiffs” at the center of the story, Boycott is a bracing look at the far-reaching implications of anti-boycott legislation and an inspiring tale of everyday Americans standing up to protect our rights in an age of shifting politics and threats to freedom of speech.  

Register now and join us on October 9 at 4:00 PM Eastern for a discussion of the film with Peter Beinart, Editor-at-Large for Jewish Currents; JustVision filmmaker Jen Marlowe; and Bahia Amawi, plaintiff in the film. Our moderator will be journalist Mnar Adley, founder and executive director of MintPress News. Our co-sponsors for this event are the United Methodists for Kairos Response and the Methodist Foundation for Social Action.   

When you register for the film discussion you will receive a link to watch the film for free between October 6-9 and then you are encouraged to participate in the Voices From the Holy Land film salon.  

Register here