
Details about event

Please join me in calling and emailing your representatives and senators daily. Ask for an immediate ceasefire.  
Ask representatives to cosponsor H.Res. 786 calling for immediate de-escalation and ceasefire in Israel and occupied Palestine.  
The phone numbers and email forms can be found on each member’s website.  
Below are some quick messages you can send:

From the Rebuilding Alliance:  Open Call for Immediate Ceasefire: Urge Elected Officials to Sign 0n

Prevent a Humanitarian Catastrophe and Further Loss of Innocent Lives.  Take action here

From Jewish Voice for Peace: URGENT: Stop genocide against Palestinians in Gaza (call now).  Call you member of congress here

From Jewish Voice for Peace:  President Biden: Stop sending the Israeli military more weapons. Facilitate an immediate ceasefire. Millions of lives depend on it. Send your message here. 

From Just Foreign Policy: Ceasefire in the Middle East!  Sign now.

From Win Without War:  Pres. Biden & Sec. Blinken: End hostilities in Gaza now.  Sign here. 

From Churches for Middle East Peace:  Call on Members of Congress to support ceasefire, restraint, de-escalation of violence and protection of civilian life in Israel/Palestine.  Take action here

From Rashida Tlaib:  Sign to support immediate de-escalation and ceasefire in Israel and occupied Palestine.  Add your name here

From Peace Action Alert:  Ceasefire Now in Gaza.  Send your letter here

From Amnesty International:  End Human Rights Violations & War Crimes In Israel And The Occupied Palestinian Territories.  Contact President Biden here

From Global Exchange:  Message to President Biden:  No War on Gaza.  Ceasefire Now! Send your message here

American Friends of Combatants for Peace:  Ceasefire Now!  Take action here.  

From Win Without War:  Tell President Biden and Secretary Blinken:  End Hodtilities in Gaza Now.  Send your message here