People's March We've Got This

A couple hundred people gathered at Goodale Park Saturay afternoon, January 18 for a rally and march to the Ohio Statehouse.

See video here.

The organizers stated the message: "This is our time. Our time to make it clear: we will not be pushed aside, ignored, or silenced. On January 18, we march together—as women, as LGBTQIA+ individuals, as BIPOC communities, as immigrants, as allies. We stand united to demand a world where equality is not a threat, but a reality.
WE MARCH BECAUSE: Every person deserves a life free from fear and filled with opportunity. Our LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC siblings deserve the freedom to love, live, and be their true selves without discrimination or threat of safety.
 Immigrant families have the right to safety, dignity, and respect, without fear of losing their homes or loved ones. Women’s voices, bodies, and futures will be in OUR hands—not controlled by anyone else.
THIS IS OUR MOMENT. It’s not enough to hope for change. We are the change. Every step we take, every voice we raise, every hand we hold shows that we are ready to rewrite the future.