Friday, January 20, 11:30am-1:30pm, OSU Oval...
Wednesday, January 18, 7pm, Studio 35, 3055 Indianola Ave.
We the People 2.0, the movie, is a visual essay...
Tuesday, January 17, 6:30pm, Northwood-High Building, 2231 N. High St., Rm. 100
Join Ohio Revolution and a long list of interested organizations and parties as we discuss and coordinate strategies to address...
Standing Rock Benefit Shows
Jan 6 - 7pm-2am, Woodlands Tavern, 1200 W. Third and Jan 7 – Bossy Grrls Pin Up Joint, 2598 N. High St.
Six musical acts come together at Woodlands to raise money for the...
On Sunday, December 18, dozens of supporters will gather at the Ohio statehouse for a candlelight vigils asking Ohio electors to vote their conscience and stop Donald Trump from becoming president. Unite for America launched the effort...
Thursday, Dec. 15 6-9pm
1336 East Main Street, Columbus...