
Harvey J Graff
05 June 2022

Early Franklinton and Columbus’ forgotten beginnings

Dismissed, when even noticed by City government and city residents alike, Columbus’ historical, political, economic, social, and cultural origins lay in Franklinton. The...

Harvey J Graff
24 May 2022

Lost in the attention accorded to the flurry of right-wing Republican legislatures’ passing and governors’ signing blatantly partisan and extralegal redistricting bills—and, in a growing number of states, both state and federal courts...

Harvey Graff
14 May 2022

Lessons from the City

My major lessons will be news to some and confirmation to others. Like many middle-size to large cities, Columbus claims special status and a unique identity when it actually has remarkably little of either...

Harvey Graff
11 May 2022

While adapting to retirement and finding conditions in the University District more intolerable than at any time in 18 years of homeownership in a historic district abandoned by its city and its adjacent mega-university, during the past...

Trump holding up a sign
07 May 2022

Given the rhetorical prominence that right-wing Ohio Republican candidates for U.S. Senate and House districts gave to the 45th  president's erroneously titled "America First" agenda--not program or policy--in their election campaigns,...

Harvey Graff
02 May 2022

My sad tales continue with new elements added every day. In chronological order, they are, so far:

First, leaders of other Columbus neighborhoods contact me. They first affirm that the analysis I presented for the...


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