
Tuesday, April 5, 7-9pm, First Unitarian Universalist Church, 93 W. Weisheimer Rd.

This roundtable discussion will be facilitated by Leesa “George” Friday, a member of the National Move To Amend [MTA] Leadership Team and a Bill of Rights Defense Committee [BORDC] National Field Organizer.

This roundtable discussion will include the following topics:

• Discuss ways to build power rooted in anti-oppression knowledge, community building skills, and action to stand with communities affected by corporate rule.

• Explore tactics for building power to confront national and local law enforcement agencies’ participation in domestic surveillance or intelligence collection, immigration enforcement, profiling in any form, undercover infiltration of activist groups and religious institutions, and cooperation between law enforcement agencies and military personnel.

• Discussions around Mass Incarceration and the prison-industrial complex.

• Identify best practices for maintaining relationships of principle and integrity with people who have come from different communities of origin.

Presented by the local affiliate of the national Move to Amend organization that is calling for a U.S. Constitutional amendment to reverse several U.S. Supreme Court decisions during the past century and thereby to firmly establish that corporations are not people and that money is not free speech.

Contact: Sandy Bolzenius, or Michael Greenman,


Tuesday, April 5, 2016 - 7:00pm

Event Type: