
Wednesday, November 30, 6:30am-9pm, using your telephone

Will you help protect Ohio families from radioactive oil and gas waste by making one phone call on Wednesday? Ohio has 226 Class II injection wells that accept 20-30 million barrels of radioactive oil and gas liquid waste every year.

Last month, Buckeye Environmental Network, Sierra Club, EarthJustice, and 30 grassroots organizations petitioned the United States Environmental Protection Agency, (US EPA) to revoke Ohio’s authority to manage Ohio’s Class II oil and gas waste injection program. The program, currently run by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), consistently fails to act against violations, allowing serious problems to continue unaddressed, posing threats to our drinking water and public health.

Ohio communities have lived with leaking class II injection wells, accidents, blowouts, and spills for years. And, Ohio does not have a way for impacted residents to file a formal complaint.

Please help protect Ohio families by taking five minutes to call US EPA Administrator Debra Shore on Wednesday.

Please make a phone call. Contact US EPA Administrator Debra Shore’s office at 1-888-445-5134.

Phone script: “Hi, this is (insert name), I live in (insert city in Ohio), and I’m calling today to ask Administrator Shore to begin actions to remove Ohio’s authority to manage the class II oil and gas waste Injection well program. The program, managed by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), continues to endanger underground drinking water sources and public health.”

Hosted by Sierra Club Ohio, FracTracker, and UUJO: Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio.


Wednesday, November 30, 2022 - 6:30am

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