
Friday, March 24, 8pm, Chef Hīrō, 1297 Parsons Ave.

Come sing your hearts out with us at Queer Karaoke Night hosted by BQIC on Friday, March 24, 8-10pm! We’ll be at Chef Hīrō which is located at 1297 Parsons Ave, so you can also grab a bite to eat or a drink while you’re there! D.J. Faye Waye will be running us through the hits, so make sure you come through and bring a friend! Parking is available at the back of the restaurant.

This is a fundraiser for BQIC, so we are asking that non-QTIPOC pay $10 to participate; queer and trans folks of color have a suggested donation of $5.

Masks continue to be required for all BQIC events, and there will be some available for folks when they arrive. Chef Hīrō does not require masks inside their restaurant. To access the entrance, we recommend approaching from the north side of Parsons Ave. We recommend being dropped off at the north-closest intersection to Chef Hīrō’s entrance since the path from the parking lot to Chef Hīrō’s entrance isn’t wheelchair-accessible (due to gravel in the parking lot). The entrance to Chef Hīrō itself is not wheelchair-accessible without some maneuvering, since there’s a sizable bump between the sidewalk and the entrance! There is a bar and alcohol served at this restaurant, and sounds will include the music and the chatter of folks in the space. There is usually anime playing on the screens as well, and the main smell will be that of the amazing food in the space!

Hosted by BQIC [Black Queer and Intersectional Collective].


Friday, March 24, 2023 - 8:00pm


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