
Sunday, January 7, 3-5:30pm, First Congregational Church, 444 E. Broad St.

The Early Interval invites you to a Twelfth Night double bill of musical drama!

The program begins with the medieval “Play of Herod,” a 12th-century liturgical “mystery” play, which tells the story of the Magi’s visit to the nativity in song. Masques were a festive Twelfth Night tradition, beginning in the Renaissance, and reached their height of popularity in the early 17th century. Ben Jonson’s “Christmas, his Masque” premiered in 1616 as a light-hearted entertainment. Just over 400 years later, this fresh interpretation features songs and dances by English court composers, including Thomas Campion and Thomas Lupo.

Join the celebration!

Hosted by Early Music in Columbus and The Early Interval.


Sunday, January 7, 2018 - 3:00pm

Event Type: