
Monday, June 29, 5pm, Columbus City Hall, 90 W. Broad St.

We are asking everyone to participate in the Columbus City Council meeting today (Monday, June 29) at 5pm. You can sign on virtually or join us for a rally outside of City Hall. We need your help telling City Council to vote “no” on all ordinances that give more money and resources to the Columbus Police Department [CPD]. We encourage you to email, call, and fill out a speaker card. For more info, click here.

Here is a list of ordinances planned for discussion with voting guidance provided by People’s Budget Columbus.

Ordinance 1353-2020: Puts a freeze on the number of Columbus Police Department personnel. Tell City Council: Vote “Yes” but this is not enough. We need to shrink and eventually dismantle CPD, not just freeze it.

Ordinance 1326-2020: Gives the police more than $125,000 in grant money to fund “Project Safe Neighborhoods.” Tell City Council: Vote “No.” We don’t want to give the police any more money than they already have. Project Safe Neighborhoods targets Black and brown people and leads to harsher sentences for nonviolent offenders.

Ordinance 1346-2020: Transfers $225,000 within the CPD budget to purchase police uniforms and accessories. Tell City Council: Vote “No.” We don’t want the police to get any new equipment or resources. We demand a freeze on the movement of funds within the CPD’s general fund budget.

The response to today’s meeting is being coordinated by People’s Budget Columbus.


Monday, June 29, 2020 - 5:00pm

Event Type: