
Saturday, March 4, 8:45am-5:30pm, Northwood-High Building, 2231 N. High St., Rm. 100

The Ohio Community Rights Network and CELDF [Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund] are co-sponsoring “Community Rights for Social Justice: Growing Roots and Rights,” a one-day workshop on why we don’t have the power to stop police brutality or pipelines, establish minimum wage laws and LGBT rights; as well as other issues facing our communities. We will look at how the corporate state overrides local democratic decision-making and forces unjust labor, environmental, and discriminating practices into our communities. And we will delve into what communities are doing to elevate the rights of communities and nature over the corporate state.

Registration [by March 2] is required for this workshop.

Cost: $27.00 [includes curriculum and lunch]


Contact: Ohio Community Rights Network, or 440-838-5272


Saturday, March 4, 2017 - 8:45am

Event Type: