
Saturday, April 1, 9:30am-4:30pm [registration begins at 8:30am], First Unitarian Universalist Church, 93 W. Weisheimer Rd.

A statewide gathering of local chapters of the national Move to Amend organization that is calling for a U.S. Constitutional amendment to reverse several U.S. Supreme Court decisions during the past century and thereby to firmly establish that corporations are not people and that money is not free speech.

Join us on April Fools’ Day to debunk several long-standing constitutional hoaxes — including the legal fictions that corporations are “persons” and that money is equivalent to “free speech” — and together build the growing national movement to create real democracy.

Keynote speaker: Dennis Kucinich [current FOX national news analyst and former Presidential candidate, U.S. Representative, and Cleveland Mayor] at 1pm

This event will also include workshops, action planning, a “People’s Assembly,” and reports on work across the state during the past twelve months

An RSVP is requested; please e-mail; there will be a $5 suggested donation.

Contact: Greg Coleridge, or 330-928-2301


Saturday, April 1, 2017 - 9:00am

Event Type: