Monday, June 13, 7pm, Mershon Center for International Security Studies, 1501 Neil Ave., Rm. 120
In contemporary American politics, it seems that name calling, personal attacks, and party polarization has led to a nearly unprecedented level of incivility in both state and federal government. With the approach of the 2016 presidential election, we can expect a barrage of political advertisements on social media, the internet and television, most of which will be negative. As political opinion grows ever more polarized and extreme rhetoric becomes commonplace, this event attempts to identify effective avenues in which all political parties, regardless of ideology, can build compromise, work together, and listen to each other’s ideas.
Former State Representative Ted Celeste will moderate a panel to investigate the state of civil discourse in Ohio and U.S. politics. Framing the discussion on the upcoming presidential election and drawing on the expertise and experience of elected officials and political experts, this event will examine the role of civil discourse in our everyday politics while discussing the role of social media, the 24/7 news cycle, and the impact of incivility on voter turnout and civic participation.
In conjunction with Ohio Peace Festival.
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