Monday, August 27, 6-8pm, Columbus Idea Foundry, 421 W. State St.
Critical observers cannot help but notice that there is a lot of misinformation about currently-illegal psychoactive substances. Some of it is more appropriately called disinformation, i.e. lies. Self-experimentation has a rich history in medicine, and psychedelic research has been effectively thwarted on a global scale until the recent emergence of what is now safe to call the Psychedelic Renaissance.
Separating fact from wishful-thinking, Mind Manifest Midwest co-founder Brian Pace will present an overview of citizen science-led bleeding-edge research on the practice of regularly ingesting subperceptual quantities of LSD or psilocybin mushrooms for “the betterment of well people.” He will provide cultural context, scientific background, and speculate on the significance of the psychedelic health fad that has somehow captured the attention of soccer moms and CEOs.
Hosted by Mind Manifest Midwest and Cap City Biohackers.
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