
Friday, July 15, 7pm [registration at 6:30pm], Olivet Institutional Baptist Church, 8712 Quincy Ave., Cleveland, OH 44106; Saturday, July 16, 8:30-5pm, Olivet Institutional Baptist Church, 8712 Quincy Ave., Cleveland, OH 44106; Sunday, July 17, 8:30am, Cleveland Masonic Performance Arts Center [Auditorium], 3615 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44115

Join us in Cleveland the weekend before the Republican National Convention (“RNC”) for the People’s Justice and Peace Convention. We hope to challenge both parties to propose real solutions to the often ignored hurting in our world and call upon them to implement a political climate, foreign policy, economic approach, and environmental policy that is neither imperialistic nor militaristic, that protects the environment, and that nurtures inclusion, genuine security, nonviolence, and peace and prosperity for everyone.

The People’s Justice and Peace Convention will bring together at least several hundred citizens and representatives of local, state, and national organizations dedicated to sharing information and strategies for implementing real justice and peace. The Convention will feature keynote speakers, committees/panels dedicated to addressing specific issue areas, films, and cultural performances. A major component will be developing a “People’s Justice and Peace Platform” that articulates policy preferences that affirms the dignity and value of all humans and the earth.



Saturday, July 16, 2016 - 8:30am

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