
Tuesday, February 13, 5-8pm, Driving Park Branch Library, 1422 E. Livingston Ave.

Cages are disabling and traumatizing environments. As a result, prisoners suffer from low morale. They also suffer from a variety of human rights abuses committed by jail and prison officials such as torture and “extremely-poor-quality health care.” These forms of violence are state-sanctioned. Therefore, we can’t expect meaningful oversight of Ohio’s concentration camps to come from the state.

Please bring a friend and join us in Meeting Room 1 for Black History Month. A film screening of _Free Angela Davis and All Political Prisoners_ will precede our fourth letter-writing event. This film revisits the 1972 acquittal of a prison abolitionist placed on the FBI’s “Ten Most Wanted Fugitives” list. After the film, we will send birthday cards to Cheryl and Monica, both of whom were sentenced to life in prison.

Note: this event has been re-scheduled from 2-7-2018 and moved to a different location because of that day’s “snow day.”


Tuesday, February 13, 2018 - 5:00pm

Event Type: