
Saturday, June 6, 2-4pm, Ohio Statehouse

Join us on June 6 as we storm the Ohio State Capitol for the second time! We are asking you to come out and stand with us to Tear Down the Walls of the unjust system that is killing and infecting 50k men and women, who are currently in Ohio prisons, with COVID-19.

We are going to Tear Down the Walls of division of organizations, create unity to build a wealth of power, and defeat this unjust system that is killing our loved ones.

We are demanding that the Governor release 20k people immediately and that he create a task force for the prisons that is comprised of currently and previously incarcerated people.

Use this link if you plan to volunteer.

Please use this link if you only plan to attend.

Hosted by Ohio Prisoners Justice League.


Saturday, June 6, 2020 - 2:00pm

Event Type: