Sunday, January 12, 3:30-5:30pm, First Unitarian Universalist Church, 93 W. Weisheimer Rd.
First Unitarian Universalist Church Columbus will be hosting a “UU The Vote” watch party at 3:30pm on Sunday, January 12.
Learn about the organizing plan for “UU the Vote” across the country and how UUJO [Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio] and its partners plan to implement a Voter Advocacy plan in Ohio. Also, learn how members of other congregations can get involved.
Together, we will explore how we are called to wear the mantle of our shared legacies, principles, and values as we move boldly together, making our faith relevant and effective in bending the arc of the moral universe toward justice in this political moment.
Questions? Email Rev. Joan VanBecelaere at <>.
Hosted by UUJO: Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio and First Unitarian Universalist of Columbus.
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