
“Everywhere near the building, the stench of death was overpowering. Men in surgical masks sprayed disinfectant in the air.”

We move from tragedy to tragedy with hellish regularity.

“The scope of injuries,” Jim Yardley writes in the New York Times, “was horrifying: fractured skulls, crushed rib cages, severed livers, ruptured spleens. One survivor lost both legs. . . . A teenage girl named Sania lost her right leg. Another teenager, Anna, lost her right hand.”

This wasn’t from a bomb in Boston. It was from a collapsed building outside Dhaka, Bangladesh — another shocking sweatshop disaster, this one claiming the lives, according to the most recent count, of 385 people, with many more missing and at least 1,000 injured. Eight people, including the owner of the building, which housed five separate garment operations employing more than 3,000 people, were arrested. Workers, the Times reported, saw cracks in the walls of the building the day before it collapsed. They were told to go to work anyway.

Environmentalists of all stripes support policies to expand solar energy and wind energy, among other “renewables.” Indeed, solar and wind are viewed across the spectrum of environmental groups as a principal method for reducing carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gas emissions that are causing increasingly catastrophic climate change. Fossil fuels are the main sources of such climate change.

Over 100 students, alumni of Columbus Bishop Watterson, and community, labor supporters, packed the meeting room of the local Unitarian Church last Saturday, rallying to support beloved 19 year Watterson teacher, Carla Hale, who was fired by the Catholic Diocese for “violating the morality clause.”

Carla had just lost her mother and had returned to work, as a teacher at Bishop Watterson High School, after the funeral. However, instead of the condolences she received from students, staff and other teachers, the administration of that Catholic facility called her in and fired her. The diocese had, they stated, received an “anonymous letter” pointing out that her mother’s obituary stated that she was survived by Carla “& her partner.”

“That is really a disgusting double-standard,” said Bill Clarson, who, with his wife Jane, were just leaving the Unitarian Church. “When you see how they’ve treated the priests who’d molested children, just moving them and covering up, for them to fire a wonderful teacher, who’d done nothing wrong is just plain wrong!”

Progressives often wonder why so many Republican lawmakers stick to their avowed principles while so many Democratic lawmakers abandon theirs. We can grasp some answers by assessing the current nationwide drive called “Primary My Congressman” -- a case study of how right-wing forces gain ground in electoral terrain where progressives fear to tread.

Sponsored by Club for Growth Action, the “Primary My Congressman” effort aims to replace “moderate Republicans” with “economic conservatives” -- in other words, GOP hardliners even more devoted to boosting corporate power and dismantling the public sector. “In districts that are heavily Republican,” the group says, “there are literally dozens of missed opportunities to elect real fiscal conservatives to Congress -- not more ‘moderates’ who will compromise with Democrats. . .”

Such threats of serious primary challenges often cause the targeted incumbents to quickly veer rightward, or they may never get through the next Republican primary.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's new advocacy group is running TV ads in support of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline and oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. And Facebook is censoring graphics that protest.

RootsAction is running a petition on our website and on Facebook telling Zuckerberg to stop. is a group of plutocrats who, instead of advocating for education funding, are advocating for the immigration of educated workers. And in order to win over certain members of Congress, has funded two front groups, one for Republicans and one for Democrats. Both are buying TV ads supporting Congress members who support tar sands and drilling in ANWR.

Why is dragging the world backwards? Click here to tell Zuckerberg and his billionaire buddies that our grandchildren would appreciate a livable climate more than the knowledge that we further boosted the wealth of the already obscenely wealthy.

After you sign the petition at RootsAction, please be sure to click the link to share it on Facebook.

Recently, the Free Press ran a story about Jim Leftwich, covering his double-dipping into the public trough, lobbying the Federal Aviation Agency to designate the Dayton-Springfield area as a special testing site for military drones, while simultaneously charging Wright State University a consulting fee. While reporting on his $114,000 per year from the State of Ohio, and $20,000 per month from Wright State and the resultant ethics flap, we did not roll the clock back far enough.

Leftwich has vast connections in the Dayton Aerospace world, built in part by the job he had prior to his getting in on the ground floor of the Kasich administration. Leftwich was previously the CEO of the Dayton Development Coalition, a non-profit job that netted him $257,000 in 2009.

Far from being a civic booster non-profit that works to attract business to the Dayton area, the DDC is a military funded nonprofit powerhouse. It is the sole authorized group to disburse funds granted by the congressional Base Relocation and Closures Commission or BRAC.

March 23, 2013 was a chilly day in Augusta, Georgia, when hundreds of families gathered to claim free food from a local supermarket that had been foreclosed. What greeted the hungry people of this neighborhood instead was a line of sheriff's deputies and barricades around the store's entire stock. Local charities had declined to pick up the food, diapers, tolietries, and clothing. Under instruction from the bank, Sun Trust, sheriffs deputies supervised as all the food was put into a dumpster while hungry families watched in horror and disbelief.

The locally-owned store, Laney Supermarket, is a historic landmark that serves a community where unemployment is above 40 percent. The area has few other nearby markets. Until the owners failed to pay rent and were evicted by the property owner, Sun Trust, they offered rides to those who needed them to and from the market. According to the owner, "You know, sometime[s] I would drive three miles from over here, [and] pick them up. After they do their shopping I take them home."

When W builds his library,
I have a plan,
an old-fashioned 3-holer,
an outhouse set in quicksand.
A throne for Bush,one for Cheney,
one hole left for friend or dignitary.
Could be Powell,Bolton or Scooter,
letting Rice sit in would be a hooter.
Ashcroft,Rumsfeld,Brown and Blair,
all could visit,leave input there.

of "Progress For a New American Century",
could send their bloodsoaked regards
from Hell or world penitentiary.
Perle introduced Bush to Chalabi,
felon and presidential wannabe.
They planned a "new world order",
plagiarized from works by Hitler,
which destroyed America's image,
made us all look littler.
Guantanamo could send barbed wire.
Guards are from Abu Graub's lasting fire.

remember Enron and "Kenny Boy" Lay.
Karl Rove,Scalia,and James Baker
share the hole as the royal king maker.
Big oil dug it deep.
Haliburton spread it wide.
Bush built his legacy
cronies and criminals by his side.
Hemorrhoids and piles,
(Durham, North Carolina) – In the face of unprecedented and far reaching attacks on North Carolinians ability to vote, go to school and properly care for their families, the North Carolina NAACP State Conference held a national media conference call at 3:00 pm to discuss a nonviolent civil disobedience “pray-in” at the North Carolina General Assembly later today. Leaders say the “pray-in” is the first of many nonviolent direct actions in the state where leaders will be arrested and jailed.

“The decision to engage in civil disobedience is not one we take lightly,” stated Rev. Dr. William Barber of the North Carolina NAACP State Conference. “But right-wing extremists in the state legislature and Governor’s office are acting like the George Wallaces of the 21st century. They are pursuing a cruel, unusual and unconstitutional agenda reminiscent of the Old South. This is a state issue with national implications, since many of these same regressive forces are at play in other states. North Carolina is ground zero in a national struggle to defend democracy for all.”

"Our intelligence community does assess with varying degrees of confidence that the Syrian regime has used chemical weapons on a small scale in Syria, specifically the chemical agent sarin."

I do assess with varying degrees of horror (some of the varying degrees rather high even) that a lot of people are going to die. And how dare they die from chemical weapons when they should be dying from hellfire missiles and cluster bombs and napalm and depleted uranium and white phosphorous. We have a responsibility to protect these people from dying of the wrong type of weapon and in too small numbers.

I'm in Dallas protesting the rehabilitation of our last criminal president because of the precedents he set for our current criminal president. So, precedents are on my mind. One precedent for an illegal humanitarian NATO war on Syria is, of course, the illegal humanitarian war on Libya two years ago. And the pair of precedents (Libya and Syria) will put the target of the neocon/neoliberal cooperative war project squarely on Iran.


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