
01 February 2018

Even in the age of Trump, there are wins. Chief Wahoo, the Cleveland Indians’ longtime mascot, is finally ...

18 January 2018

See the video

The US Supreme Court may be about to make a second Trump term inevitable.

The nine "Justices" have just heard oral arguments in...

Photo of men and women posing and facing the camera all wearing long black robes in front of a dark red curtain
07 January 2018

Millions of Ohio voters have tried to vote on Election Day over the past 15 years only to find their names were erased from the pollbooks.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)...

Black background with gray letters saying 2017
31 December 2017

Thank Mother Earth 2017 is finally over. It was a year that chewed me up, crapped me out, made sweet love to me, punched me in the gut, stole my lunch money, made me laugh, pantsed me, and gave me hope. And I’m only talking about...

Black and white photo of a young man with long flowing brown hair with a headband across his forehead holding a baseball bat as if he's about to swing
30 December 2017

Enough is enough. Especially when it comes to a name.

Many of you have undoubtedly faced a crisis or two about your own. It can come from anywhere, like changing (or NOT) your family name when getting married. Or dumping the...

Trump, heavyset man in suit with red tie waving next to wife Melania, shapely woman with long brown hair standing in front of a military plane with people in foreground facing him
21 December 2017

The tax bill advertised by Republicans as a Christmas gift to the American people is in fact a gift to the Global Corporate CEOs and other such executives on incentive compensation plans.  The most favored of this group are the...


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