
Collage by Trane DePriest
01 August 2017

 You may already be thinking “there has to be a better way for us all to live together.” You may even have your own motivations for getting out of here and starting all over. Expatriates flee the U.S. for more...

Putin, balding white guy wearing black holding puppet strings with Trump as the puppet
09 July 2017

Special to the FreePress

Editor's Note: Thanks to a secret satirical recording device implanted into Donald Trump's hair, an actual fake transcript has emerged from the fake president's recent meeting with his actual owner,...

Policeman throwing a woman out of her wheelchair
07 July 2017

What appears to be a phony 911 emergency medical call was used as a pretense for Columbus Police to forcibly evict and arrest wheelchair-bound Medicaid recipients in a building that houses Senator Rob Portman’s office.

Black and white photo of police harassing black people in the street and a drawing of four black people holding their fists in the air and the words Drop the Charges Against the BlackPride4
03 July 2017

Commentary by Bob Fitrakis

This incident has to be categorized as a vicious, unnecessary unprovoked attack by the police.

It’s commendable that Columbus, as a city, openly embraces and supports...

Tombstone that says Democracy on it in a grassy field
21 June 2017

The Jim Crow GOP has stolen yet another Congressional election, this time in Georgia.  As always, the media and Democrats are saying nothing about it.

And now the US Supreme Court will allow secretaries of state to completely...

Movie poster of the Russians are coming with lots of guys coming off a ship like they are Russians menacing the US
16 June 2017

Russia, Russia, Russia!!!   But what about the Americans?

Attorney-General Jeff Sessions has confirmed the Russians hacked into as many as 39 state data bases, and did all they could to affect the electronic vote count that put...


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