
Black man holding a sign reading My vote has been paid for in BLOOD
23 June 2018

The Supreme Court decision blessing the purge of half a million voters in Ohio is NOT the last word.

On Monday, the renowned law firm of Mirer Mazzocchi Julien of New York will serve a 90-day notice on Jon Husted, the Secretary...

Black man in a baseball cap with lots of facial rings in lips, nose and ears wearing a blue shirt
25 May 2018

Now that Donald Trump has punked out on peace in Korea, it’s time to give that Nobel Prize to the guy who really deserves it: Dennis Rodman.

Please sign the...

Caricature of white lady with glasses and brown hair
15 May 2018

An amazing amount of progress has been made over the past month or so. America has catapulted itself all the way from the 1990s to 2016. The furthest-right elements of both major parties were again successful in the primaries. Another...

Young looking Asian man with no smile but clapping his hands
09 May 2018

Well, not really a vacuum. The past three weeks have been more like the space between our planets which is actually full of all kinds of stuff but doesn’t have much happening. The bloated Congress has been typically idle, and the...

Thin tall white man with white hair smiling holding a coffee cup standing outside a store with a outdoor chair
07 May 2018

So, you have an idea for a way to make your neighborhood better, create social change, or join the resistance. You and others have hit the streets a couple of times, gone to public and community meetings, and want to reach out to others...

Lots of different types of Xs and checkmarks
05 May 2018

Technology has bestowed a stunning twist of fate in the arcane world of counting how America votes.

A decade ago, activists railed against private companies who made the computer-driven “black boxes” that tabulated election...


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